Sunday, April 20, 2008

Gas/Food Price Rage: Ethanol Gas Stations Become Target of Arson Nationwide – Detroit, MI, April 15 2009

As food prices continue to rise, the poorest in the nation have started venting their frustration from coast to coast. Last night the tally was 17, the number indicating the amount of gas stations carrying ethanol that were burned to the ground by the mob. It is still an upward trend, last month 23 gas stations were targeted, in comparison to 52 already this month with yesterday being a new all day record. Before 2006 the plans to start biofuel production to diminish the US dependency on foreign oil were hailed from all sides, from the rich to the poor, from republicans to democrats, from hippies to CEO’s. The paradigm started to shift quickly as food prices began to rise. The Food vs. Fuel debate was ignited late 2007/early 2008 when bioethanol fuel production started getting blamed for the rising world food prices. Worldwide there have been demonstrations and outbreaks of violence from food shortages. The US had not been affected in this way until three months ago when the first bioethanol gas station was burned to the ground after a demonstration against biofuel production turned sour. The McCain administration says their hands are tied, as Iraq and Venezuela are threatening with an oil embargo that could bring the nation to its knees. President McCain stated: “We need all the fuel we can get to keep our infrastructure and transport system from collapsing. We realize people are having problems feeding their families, but we are trying all we can to make sure people get through these difficult times. Or we can give in to foreign pressure, abandon our biofuel program and hand our nation over to the oil producing nations today. It is either giving up our independence or tightening the belt.” Left wing groups keep stressing the fact that the Americans stubbornly keep driving SUV’s and other gas guzzling cars while the US is not in a position to fuel these types of vehicles and quoted once again from the World Development Report 2008: “The grain required to fill the tank of a sports utility vehicle with ethanol (240 kg of maize for 100 liter ethanol) could feed one person for a year, so competition between food and fuel is real.” The federal government is hiring bodyguards from Blackwater to start a gas station protection program


Unknown said...

Hi Ian - we're glad that you submit your work to Future Scanner. You should also submit to Future Blogger so we can run some on the front page - it will draw more attention to you and your work. If you have any formatting questions please contact

Anonymous said...

Dear Ian,

Im a faithful reader of the Future Feeds since some time. This issue
is keeping not only U.S. but the whole world arguing. We already make cynical jokes:" Well,it will not take long before they find a way you stuff your less liked relatives directly into the fuel tank." Keep it going!

Cecile Hessels, Netherlands

Anonymous said...

The heat is on! It's a topic running in many daily conversations. Absolutey unacceptable. I wonder why the Pope did not have a little word to say about this, while he was there in 2008. Maybe scared his flight back would have been cancelled?

(my password does not take, so I'll be anonymously, BranShea )

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This is hard I think somebody should do something because rise prices continuing rising everyday and people are who suffer consequences.

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